A great relationship with self

Fall in love with yourself
Stop criticizing yourself. It is okay to have flaws. You are human, not God. Don’t hate yourself because you have weaknesses. Sometimes you don’t know where to start to fix yourself, but realize that God will help you change into a better you. Weaknesses can be bad habits or personality traits. Always thinking about what is wrong with you can lead to unhappiness.
When people get what you desire, what you are praying for, you might ask what about me. This is jealousy. We are taught that jealousy is bad and should be avoided but it happens automatically. Jealousy is okay but envy is not. Don’t be envious and tell the person who has what you want about the curse in the blessing, congratulate him. Know that your time to be blessed will come.
Be open to change
The other way to change is to listen motivational podcasts and to read self-help also called personal-development books. You don’t have to implement everything that you read from them, implement what resonates with you. I tried certain beliefs from personal development and they did not fit in with who I am therefore I let them go. It is about trial and error. You have to experiment with new points of view. You will find a few that you truly believe in. Personal development is subjective. There are no universal truths in them. I was conflicted after reading about the law of attraction where is states that you are completely responsible for what happens in your life. You create all the bad experiences because of your thoughts. I am Christian and it baffled me about where God fits into all of those. If you read enough personal development books you will realize that they have different points of views regarding any particular topic. It is impossible to agree with everything or believe in everything.
Accept that people will not see things the same way as you
You’re not the person you were 10 years ago. You are forever evolving. You are becoming better and better. You will always have weaknesses. When you have overcome certain weaknesses then new ones come up. You can never say you don’t need to change anything. Sometimes, you are not aware of what you need to change. And then something happens that causes you to change and you realize that you needed that. Some of the values you had ten years ago are not the same as those of today.
How many times have you tolerated a bad behaviour that you know you should not, whether it be in a relationship, friendship or with family members. We all have. We believe that some people will change. We feel bad about distancing ourselves from toxic people. So, we end up staying when we should leave.
Would spelling out your preferred treatment to a person make him treat you better? Sometimes. Sometimes you will get attacked and can be seen as someone with the problem. Some people have a problem with being corrected. They don’t want to own up to their mistakes. We are all not created equal. Some people don’t speak up for themselves for fear of attack. Some just want to avoid the drama. The best option for them is to work away.
Positive view of self
You can say, I hate myself because I messed up. That seems like a pretty good enough reason. However it does not matter what you have done there should never be a good enough reason to hate yourself. You might have made the wrong decision in the past, but why live in the past. Let’s say you were a criminal, and you robbed people’s houses. Someone must say you should definitely hate yourself that is bad. The most important thing is to change. If you identify yourself as a criminal. What is the use of changing? What is the use of trying a new lifestyle? When you see yourself in a certain way, you want to maintain the status quo. You always do what you expect of yourself. If you have a new outlook on yourself, you can change the trajectory of your life. When you feel bad about your past, you are acknowledging that you are still that person. But if you say, I’m a new person. That is the past, then you will feel empowered.
Forgive yourself
Forgive yourself for your mistakes. You don’t have to be scared to live because of fear of making mistakes. You make decisions based on your values at that time. And because of who you are. It is not necessary to beat yourself up. Don’t think of yourself as a lesser human, you made a mistake and that shows that you are only human. You don’t have to rewind scenes from your past repeatedly, move forward.
Thoughts just drop into our conscious then you can either agree with them or not agree with them. It is not about having an internal argument with yourself, it is about believing what you tell yourself. If a thought comes up like I am a failure. Find two positive things you succeeded with in the past. It does not have to be about financial success only. Small things can also be called a success. Even doing your chores is success. You reached your goal. You don’t have to feel like you’re not in control of your life. You are in control of your life. You did most of the things that you said you would do today. That is success. Success does not have to be money and about material things only.
Give your best
According to the Bible “If you are trusted with a little, you will be trusted that with the many.” How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you are not successful in small areas of your life, you will fall short in other larger areas of your life. If you fail to do a proper job when you clean the house. Chances are very high, that you will also cut corners in your business or you won’t give it your best at work. Don’t despise small beginnings. You have to give your best to everything, even if other people are not doing it. That is the mentality of a winner. When you have a new blessing you already practiced on it in other areas of your life. To do anything the same values are required. To do your chores you needed to have perseverance, work hard, and feel uncomfortable. These are the same values that you will also use at your job, in your business and in your relationships.