Unlock your potential: Create your own happiness

You might not be where you want to be in your life and will never be where you want to be. When you have realized this dream you come up with a new one. Get comfortable not having everything that you want or need. These is because everyone wants to reach their highest potential. Get comfortable wanting more because it is the way it will always be. If it is not for you then it is for your children or your significant others. Imagine saying you that you don’t want more you are satisfied with the way things are. Are you saying you have done everything in life that a person needs to do.
Don’t ever think you have less of a life because of the things you don’t have. Think about how victorious you have been in your life. All the troubles you have faced, and you overcame. Realize how strong you are, that you can face anything. Change the way you look at your past. Solutions did come at the end. You healed from the pain that came from that loss. You became a better person because of the trouble you had. Your character was developed.
Hoping for big things.
Hoping for great things can be a pain if you don’t have the right perspective. You might get frustrated that things are taking time. You might become sad that you don’t have certain things in your life.
If you believe in a higher power, you must believe that he knows what is good for you. He knows what you should have and not have. However God wants to give you almost everything you want. Moreover would not getting all your dreams realized kill you. I am not saying live a mediocre life. Would it kill you if you never lived in that great mansion but you have a medium sized house? There’s nothing wrong with hope. Hope is an anchor for your life but do not become too attached to your dreams.
Having patience for things that take time to be realized.
Some dreams will be realized after many years. Some dreams will manifest, only after a few months. Have hope for all your dreams but don’t stop living and enjoying your life because you’re not where you want to be.
Seeing your dreams being realized will make you happy. When you have dreamed of something for a long time and you see it manifested this creates happiness. When something does not come easy to you, you appreciate it even more. You become happy to finally receive it.
Even memories bring happiness
It is not about living in the past but more about appreciating all the good things that have happened in your life. These needs to be a conscious decision. Make some time to reflect on all the good things that happened in your life. It is not just about saying what is my happiest memory, but more about saying what victories have I had? What did I overcome? What positive things happened in my life so far? Then you will realize that a lot of good things have happened in your life. It doesn’t have to be memories pertaining to great events only but also the small things.
People tend to think of negative things by default.
Thoughts will enter your mind but you don’t have to actually agree with them. You don’t have to meditate on the negative. Don’t ever feel guilty for the negative first thought that comes into your thought. Choose not to agree with it as a second thought. The first thought might be I am a failure. The second thought can be I have great potential and I will pursue all my dreams .God is by my side.
I’m not saying pretend that you don’t have problems that would be keeping busy so that you don’t have to think about them. Spend as little time as possible thinking about your problems. Thinking too much about them is worrying. Pretending that you don’t have problems would be suppressing the feeling that goes together with that problem. That would be saying, I am fine, and suppressing the pain of whatever you are going through. Some problems don’t have solutions right away. It is okay to say the answers will come. Quoting Morpheus when talking to Neo on the matrix, when Neo asked what the matrix was. You need to keep on living even when you don’t have all the answers yet have hope for solutions in the future.
Live on your own terms
The Science of being great page 28. When you feel deeply impelled to take a course that seems contrary to all reason and world judgment take that course. Live on your own terms. If something does not serve you whether it is a religious, cultural or a societal rule, then use your judgment. Your happiness comes first. Do you want to be miserable just to follow a certain rule, and then be applauded by faux crowds? There are no rewards for following certain rules. Some things might not be agreed upon by society but you must ask yourself who do you harm when you do that? If no one then go right ahead.
You don’t have to be too attached to your values.
Let go of perfectionism. Do you have to follow your rules to the tee? Do you have to always wash the dishes at the same time every day? Do you have to watch a certain television program religiously? Always sticking to your rules creates a lot of pressure and tension. It is like you have to always do certain things a certain way or you are lying to some imaginary person. When I say break your rules, I’m not saying do drugs sometimes, sometimes binge on alcohol. There are some rules that you can break that won’t cause your life to fall apart. This releases the pressure. It is like doing things a certain way 90% of the time and doing something different 10% of the time. It does not have to be an exact science.